Oprah, Magic Bullets, and Their Impact on Your Message

Have you ever thought that your success would skyrocket if you could somehow be featured in the New York Times or interviewed by Oprah? If a similar thought hasn’t crossed your mind yet, just wait. It will. 

One day, you’ll hear the siren song and feel compelled to do crazy things, like begging or even bribing your strategist or PR firm to “MAKE IT HAPPEN!”  Although the promise and allure of the “magic bullet” can be incredibly enticing, the reality is often very different than we imagine. After all, we know how well extreme measures worked out for this guy! 

The Myth of the Magic Bullet 

Even the most established authors and speakers can get sucked in by the “magic bullet” and caught up in what they assume is going to produce the best results.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that you need to accept blindly an invitation from an obscure organization that has no budget or doesn’t serve your audience. 

All too often, however, I see thought leaders turning down quality opportunities that could lead to clients, significant partnerships, media and more, simply because what’s in front of them doesn’t feel “big enough” or look exactly like what they think they need to get to the next level. 

Say “Yes” to the Opportunities in Front of You 

Successful thought leaders know how to look at each opportunity from all angles, including how it fits into their bigger vision. One client who’s a $10,000 keynote speaker recently accepted a gig for $2,500 because the audience consisted of C-level executives and VPs of sizeable organizations - the exact profile of decision makers who are most likely to hire her for consulting work. Another client who said “yes” to writing a guest column for a smaller, “B List” publication (with the right audience) is now a headline columnist for a major media outlet. 

Before you turn down that guest blogging invitation, interview request or speaking gig just because it’s not from Oprah, pause and ask yourself these questions.  Will this opportunity help me: 

  • reach my target audience in a meaningful way?

  •  attract new clients and business development opportunities?

  • develop mastery of the skills I need to open bigger doors?

  • cultivate relationships with other speakers, sponsors or strategic partners?

  • build credibility and elevate my platform and brand?

By saying “yes” to what’s in front of you, you’ll not only experience immediate results but also position yourself to receive bigger invitations – much sooner than you imagined. 

As always, I love hearing how things are progressing for you.  Reply to this email and let me know how you’re doing. 

Until next week,


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